Wild Honey
Wild Honey, album som gavs ut 4 december 1967 av The Beach Boys. Albumet var gruppens fjortonde LP och det är producerat av The Beach Boys gemensamt.
Wild Honey kallas ofta för The Beach Boys soul-album.
Albumet nådde Billboard-listans 24:e plats.
På englandslistan nådde albumet 7:e plats.
redigeraSingelplacering i Billboard inom parentes. Placering i England=UK
- Wild Honey (Brian Wilson/Mike Love) (#31, UK #29)
- Aren't You Glad (Brian Wilson/Mike Love)
- I Was Made to Love Her (Cosby/Hardaway/Moy/Stevie Wonder)
- Country Air (Brian Wilson/Mike Love)
- A Thing or Two (Brian Wilson/Mike Love)
- Darlin' (Brian Wilson/Mike Love) (#19, UK #11)
- I'd Love Just Once to See You (Brian Wilson/Mike Love)
- Here Comes the Night (Brian Wilson/Mike Love)
- Let the Wind Blow (Brian Wilson/Mike Love)
- How She Boogalooed it (Mike Love/Bruce Johnston/Al Jardine/Carl Wilson)
- Mama Says (Brian Wilson/Mike Love)
När skivbolaget Capitol återutgav Beach Boys-katalogen 1990 parades albumet Wild Honey ihop med albumet Smiley Smile på en CD. Dessutom fanns nedanstående sex bonusspår på skivan:
- Heroes and Villians (singelversion) (Brian Wilson/Van Dyke Parks) (#12)
- Good Vibrations (diverse versioner) (Brian Wilson/Mike Love)
- Good Vibrations (tidig version) (Brian Wilson/Mike Love)
- You're Welcome (Brian Wilson)
- Their Hearts Were Full of Spring (Bobby Troup)
- Can't Wait Too Long (Brian Wilson)