Culex seyrigi

tvåvingeart i familjen stickmyggor

Culex seyrigi[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42] är en tvåvingeart som beskrevs av Edwards 1941. Culex seyrigi ingår i släktet Culex och familjen stickmyggor.[43][44]

Culex seyrigi
KlassEgentliga insekter
ArtCulex seyrigi
Vetenskapligt namn
§ Culex seyrigi
AuktorEdwards, 1941
Culex robici Doucet, 1950[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]
Hitta fler artiklar om djur med

Artens utbredningsområde är Madagaskar.[43] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[43]


  1. ^ Rohacek, J. (1992) , Typhamyza gen. n. for Anthomyza bifasciata Wood, with description of immature stages (Diptera, Anthomyzidae). Boll. Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat. 10: 187-207. [1992.??.??]
  2. ^ Burger, J. F. (2006) , Description of three new species of Tabanidae (Diptera) from the Fiji Archipelago and a revised key to the Tabanidae of eastern Melanesia and Samoa (excluding New Caledonia). Bishop Mus. Occ. Pap. 89: 3-12. [2006.09.11]
  3. ^ Xue, W., Zhang, D. & Wang, M. (2006) , Descriptions of five new species of Lispocephala Pokorny, 1893 from China (Diptera: Muscidae). Pan-Pac. Entomol. 82: 320-331. [2006.12.??]
  4. ^ Yu, Y. & Yan, G. (2002) , A new generic record and a new species of Ceratopogonidae from China (Diptera). Jishengchong Yu Yixue Kunchong Xuebao 9(3) 2002: 168-171. [Print]
  5. ^ Liu, J., Tang, B. & Hao, B.-S. (2002) , A new subgenus, a new species and a key to subgenera of genus Forcipomyia. Jishengchong Yu Yixue Kunchong Xuebao 9(4), Dec 2002: 230-235. [Print]
  6. ^ Makarchenko, E. A. & Makarchenko, M. A. (2003) , A new and little-known species of chironomids (Diptera, Chironomidae) from the Russian Far East. Chteniya Pamyati Vladimira Yakovlevicha Levanidova 2 2003: 204-217. [Print]
  7. ^ Hayakawa, H. & Moriyama, H. (1981) , Description of Haematopota nasuensis n. sp. from Honshu Island, Japan (Diptera, Tabanidae). Jap. J. sanit. Zool. 32: 47-50. [1981.??.??]
  8. ^ Broekhuizen, S. (1938) , Ziekten en plagen van de champignoncultuur. Tijds. over Plantenziekten. 44: 113-140. [1938.??.??] [Phoridae pp. 125-126]
  9. ^ Bigot, J. M. F. (1886) , Dipteres nouveaux ou peu connus. 29e partie (suite). XXXVII: 2e. Essai d'une classification synoptique du groupe des Tanypezidi (mihi) et description de genres et d'especes inedits. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (6) 6: 369-392. [1886.12.30]
  10. ^ Borkent, A. (1993) , A world catalogue of fossil and extant Corethrellidae and Chaoboridae (Diptera), with a listing of references to keys, bionomic information and descriptions of each known life stage. Ent. Scand.24: 1-24. [1993.04.??]
  11. ^ Brauer, F. (1892) , Ansichten uber die Gattung Pachystylum Mcq. und Ruckblicke auf die in den Denkschriften der kais. Akademie d. W. m.-n. Cl., Bd. LVI und LVIII, erschienen 'Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Muscaria et. von Prof. Fr. Brauer u J. Edl. v. Bergenstamm. Sber.Akad. Wiss. Wien 101 (Abt. I): 593-607. [1892.??.??]
  12. ^ Bromley, S. W. (1937) , New and little-known Utah Diptera with notes on the taxonomy of the Diptera. Proc. Utah Acad. Sci. 14: 99-109. [1937.??.??]
  13. ^ Camras, S. (1965) , Family Conopidae. Cat. Dipt. Am. N. Mex.: 625-632. [1965.08.23]
  14. ^ Foote, R. H. (1965) , Family Cecidomyiidae (Itonididae). Cat. Dipt. Am. N. Mex.: 241-295. [1965.08.23]
  15. ^ Foote, R. H. (1965) , Family Tephritidae (Trypetidae, Trupaneidae). Cat. Dipt. Am. N. Mex.: 658-678. [1965.08.23]
  16. ^ Freeman, P. (1951) , Mycetophilidae. Dipt. Patagonia S. Chile 3, 138 pp., 49 pls. [1951.??.??]
  17. ^ Frey, R. (1911) , Zur Kenntnis der Dipterenfauna Finlands. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 34(6), 59 pp.,3 pls., 1 map. [1911.03.04]
  18. ^ Frey, R. (1921) , Eine neue palaarktische Chloropiden-Gattung [Dipt., Schizophora]. Not. Ent. 1: 80-81. [1921.11.01]
  19. ^ Frey, R. (1927) , Zur Systematik der Diptera Haplostomata. III. Fam. Micropezidae. Not. Ent. 7:65-76. [1927.11.10]
  20. ^ Gagne, R. J. (1968) , Family Cecidomyiidae.Cat. Dipt. Am. S. U.S. 23, 62 pp. [1968.10.20]
  21. ^ Gagne, R. J. (1975) , A revision of the Nearctic Stomatosematidi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Cecidomyiinae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 68: 86-90. [1975.01.15]
  22. ^ Geoffroy, E. L. (1762) , Histoire abregee des insectes .. de Paris. Durand, Paris. Vol. 2, 690 pp., pls 11-22. [1762.??.??]
  23. ^ Shewell, G. E. (1991) , [book review] "Blowflies (Diptera, Calliphoridae) of Fennoscandia andDenmark." Ent. Scand. 22: 364. [1991.11.??]
  24. ^ Miller, D. (1950) , Catalogue of the Diptera of the New Zealand sub-region. Dep. Sci. Ind. Res. N.Z. Bull. 100: 194 p. [1950.??.??]
  25. ^ Norrbom, A. L., Y. Ming & V. Hernandez-Ortiz. (1988) , A revision of the genus Oedicarena Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae). Folia Entomol. Mex. No. 75: 93-117. [1988.12.15]
  26. ^ Greene, C. T. (1921) , A new genus of Bombyliidae (Diptera). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 23: 23-24. [1921.02.10]
  27. ^ Martin, C. H. (1975) , The generic and specific characters of four old and six new Asilini genera in the western United States, Mexico, and Central America (Diptera: Asilidae). Occ. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci., no. 119, 107 pp. [1975.09.11]
  28. ^ Alexander, C. P. (1943) , New Nearctic crane-flies (Tipulidae, Diptera). Part XIX. Can. Ent. 75: 139-145.
  29. ^ Alexander, C. P. (1957) , New or little-known Tipulidae (Diptera). CIV. Oriental-Australasian species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (12) 10: 287-304.
  30. ^ Verrall, G. H. (1898) , Notes on some Syrphidae collected near Aden by Colonel J. W. Yerbury in February and March, 1895. Trans. ent. Soc. London. 1898: 413-422. [1898.??.??]
  31. ^ Deshpande, V. D., Shaukh, T. H. & Sharma, R. M. (2002) , A new genus and new species of gall midge [Cecidomyiidae: Diptera] infesting Garuga pinnata Roxb., [Burseraceae] from India. Rec. Zool. Surv. India. 100: 111-115. [2002.06.??]
  32. ^ Barkalov, A. V. & Nielsen, T. R. (2007) , A new Platycheirus species of the manicatus subgroup (Diptera, Syrphidae) from Caucasus. Norweg. J. Ent. 54: 129-134. [2007.12.03]
  33. ^ Hirvenoja, M. (1962) , Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Polypedilum Kieffer (Dipt. Chironomidae). Annls ent. fenn. 28: 173-181. [1962.??.??]
  34. ^ Hartley, J. C. (1963) , The cephalopharyngeal apparatus of syrphid larvae and its relationship to other Diptera. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 141: 261-280, 9 figs. [1963.??.??]
  35. ^ Vaillant, F. (1970) , Les Dipteres Thaumaleidae de la Corse. Trav. Lab. Hydrobiol. Piscic. Univ. Genoble. 61: 165-171. [1970.??.??]
  36. ^ Baranov, N. (1924) , Die "Kolumbaczer Fliege" (Simulium columbaschense sensu latiore). Glasn. Minist. poljopr. Voda. 2(7): 55-68. [1924.??.??]
  37. ^ Callot, J., Kremer, M., Rioux, J.-A. & Descous, S. (1967) , Culicoides des Pyrenees Orientales. Description de C. caucoliberensis n. sp. Bull. soc. zool. Fr. 92(4): 827-832. [1967.??.??]
  38. ^ He, J. & Chu, X. (1994) , A new species of Milesia from Wuyi Shan, China (Diptera: Syrphidae). Wuyi Sci. J. 11: 103-105. [In Chinese, English Summary] [1994.12.??]
  39. ^ Baez, M. (1977) , Los Sirfidos de las Islas Canarias (Diptera, Syrphidae). Instituto Estudios Canarios. (Univ. Laguna, Monogr., Secc. 4, Ciene. Nat.). 15: 1-143. [1977.??.??]
  40. ^ Violovitsh, N. A. (1957) , New palaearctic Syrphidae (Diptera) from the Far Eastern Territory of the USSR. Ent. Obozr. 36: 748-755. [In Russian, English summary] [1957.??.??]
  41. ^ Violovitsh, N. A. (1978) , A new species of the genus Chrysosyrphus Sedman, 1965 (Diptera, Syrphidae). Izv. Sib. Otdel. Akad. SSSR (Biol. nauk). 1: 111-114. [In Russian, English summary] [1978.??.??]
  42. ^ Vaillant, F. (1960) , A new Thaumaleid (Diptera) from Madeira. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal. 17: 25-28. [1960.??.??]
  43. ^ [a b c] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (27 januari 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Läst 24 september 2012. 
  44. ^ Systema Dipterorum. Pape T. & Thompson F.C. (eds), 2011-01-06