This file is a stereogram. Stereograms are stereoscopic images or animations which combine left and right frames showing slightly different visual angles to allow for 3D perception.
The stereogram uses the side-by-side parallel-view method. The left frame shows the left eye's perspective, and the right frame the right eye's perspective. It might be possible to view this image without a viewing device by diverging your eyes to visually combine the frames, or a stereoscope may be used.
English: Illustration of the octahedron, using four different methods to highlight its structure:
Most importantly: Stereo vision, recommended viewing distance 50-70 cm at full resolution
Designed & rendered with Wolfram Mathematica 7, assembled & optimized with Ulead GIF Animator 5.
Français : Animation d'un octaèdre, utilisant quatre méthodes distinctes pour faire apparaître sa structure : rotation, dépliage/repli, transparence, et vision parallèle (distance recommandée 50-70cm).
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This is one of the images forming part of the Valued image set: The Platonic solids on Wikimedia Commons. The image set has been assessed under the valued image set criteria and is considered the most valued set on Commons within the scope:
{{Information |Description={{en|1=Illustration of the octahedron ([]), using four different methods to highlight its structure: *Rotation *Folding/unfolding *Translucency *Most importantly: Stereo vision ([http://en.