Files (images, videos, audios) of the Wikimedia Commons media archive are subject to a free license. This freedom does not mean that copyright does not apply. On the contrary: in return for free use, the re-user must comply with the license conditions. He must name the photographer/author Martin Thurnherr as the creator and provide the source (Wikimedia Commons) - if possible with the link to the original file.
This picture was taken by Martin Thurnherr. If you use one of my pictures, an e-mail (account needed) or a message on my discussion page would be greatly appreciated. Please note the license terms. Other licensing terms can get discussed, too.
Copyright warning: A subject in this image is protected by copyright.
This image features an architectural or artistic work by a living author, photographed from a public space in Nicaragua. There is no freedom of panorama exception in the Nicaragua copyright law, As per Nicaragua Law No. 577 on Amendments and Additions to Law No. 312 on Copyright and Related Rights, "Works located permanently in parks, streets, squares or other thoroughfares may be reproduced, without the author’s authorization, by means of painting, sketching, photographs and audiovisual recordings for personal use. In respect of works of architecture, the previous article shall only apply to their external aspect.[77/2006 Article 43]
This article had previously read, "Works permanently located in parks, streets, squares or other public roads can be reproduced, without the author's authorization, by means of painting, drawing, photography and audiovisual recordings. As for architectural works, the previous article will only apply to its external appearance.[312/1999 Article 43] see Commons:CRT/Nicaragua#Freedom of panorama for more information.
If a copyrighted architectural or artistic work is contained in this image and it is a substantial reproduction, this photo cannot be licensed under a free license, and will be deleted. Framing this image to focus on the copyrighted work is also a copyright violation.
Before reusing this content, ensure that you have the right to do so. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe someone else's copyrights. See our general disclaimer for more information.
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