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Detta är en retuscherad eller på annat sätt behandlad bild, med vilket menas att den har redigerats digitalt från sitt original. Redigeringar: Vectorised German map (based on vector map of EU/UK). Originalet kan ses här: EU-United Kingdom.svg. Redigeringar gjorda av Alphathon.
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2009-05-23T22:36:14Z HernauMan 1218x1245 (56214 Bytes) {{Information |Description={{en|1=Knowledge of German language in EU with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland and Turkey. }} |Source=Own work by uploader |Author=[[User:HernauMan|HernauMan]] |Date=2009-05-15 |Permiss
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Kort titel
Countries of Europe
A blank Map of Europe. Every country has an id which is its ISO-3166-1-ALPHA2 code in lower case.