This photo shows the pedestrianised Square in Dundee city centre. The buildings to the left and right are occupied by City Council officials.
At the rear of the square is the Caird Hall, a concert and exhibition venue, and host to the Dundee Guitar Festival at the time I took the photo.
(I took the photo in July 2005 - the flags on the Caird Hall are at en:half-mast in remembrance of the bombings which occurred in en:London on the 7th of that month). Adambisset 20:18, 20 July 2005 (UTC)
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2005-07-20 20:12 Adambisset 1280×1024×8 (486780 bytes) This photo shows the pedestrianised Square in Dundee city centre. The buildings to the left and right are occupied by City Council officials. At the rear of the square is the Caird Hall, a concert and exhibition venue, and host to the Dundee Guitar Festi
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