The Chania_Ottoman.jpg file shows part of the old harbour of the town of Chania during the Ottoman occupation.
The administrator of the website , who is the owner, has given permission to A Voulgarakis to use this file. is the official website of the Municipality of Chania.
Date of upload: 21/10/2006
The author is the administrator of the above website. The author of the file has given permission to A Voulgarakis to use it and requires anyone who uses pictures from this website to credit for that.
Upphovsrättsinnehavaren till denna fil tillåter vem som helst att använda den i valfritt syfte, förutsatt att lämplig hänvisning till upphovsrättsinnehavaren ges.
Vidaredistribution, redigering av verk, kommersiell användning och all övrig användning är tillåten.
The Chania_Ottoman.jpg file shows part od the old harbour of the town of Chania during the Ottoman occupation. This file has been given to the author by the administrator of the website who is the owner. is the officia
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