Polski: Oświęcim, obóz koncentracyjny "Auschwitz-Birkenau", 1940-1945
This is a photo of a monument in Poland identified by the ID: PL-619247.
This is a photo of a monument in Poland identified by the ID: Q663764.
עברית: הכניסה למחנה ההשמדה אושוויץ - בירקנאו (אושוויץ 2)
Lietuvių: Aušvico (Birkenau) koncentracijos stovykla - pagrindinis administracinis pastatas
Eget arbete
This picture has been taken by Oleg Yunakov. Contact e-mail: yunakov@gmail.com. Image can be used in accordance with the terms of the СС-BY-SA license. Other photos can be seen here.
This photograph is protected by copyright law. However, it may be used for free by anyone, provided it is used in accordance with the license Creative-Commons-License “Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International”. The attribution must be as folowing: "Oleg Yunakov / CC BY-SA 4.0".Please read the text of the license carefully before using the photograph. If you do not agree with the conditions of the license or if you do not understand these conditions, please refrain from using the photo. If you have any questions regarding the license or the reuse of the image, please contact me before using it. If you do not comply with the terms of the license, you do not acquire any right to use the image.
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